Photo Source: "Starting an Online Business for Dummies by Miller Info Commons, on Flickr">
Author Resource: Cynthia Minnaar runs her own successful Online Business Ideas website full-time from home. Find out how she can help you with starting an online business of your own . Submitted By Article provided by -
We are going to have a look at a scenario here about a problem many people face when starting an online business to see if we can drive home a point.
To start a franchise today can cost several thousand, or even several million dollars. The people who start their own franchise are extremely committed to the success of it due to the amount of money they have invested.
They stand to lose a tremendous amount of money if their business is not successful. This certainly affects their attitude towards the business and the way they get up and go to work every day.
Now contrast this to starting an online business. Many online businesses can be started for free.
Others may cost a few dollars, a few hundred dollars, or maybe even $1000 or more. For the most part this is not a financial strain on the people who choose to do it.
Ultimately what happens is the way they work their online business is reflective of how much they have invested into it. It is very easy for the people who start an online business for free to slacken off and not work on a consistent basis. So what it boils down to is that they will not make it a success because they are not committed to doing the work required.
Even people who invest $1000 to get started may easily give up if they find it harder to be successful than they had anticipated. This is because it is not painful to lose the amount of money they have invested.
To contrast that, there are numerous examples of people making a full time living online today. These people were able to start their business online without spending much money at all. These are people who are committed to making their online business work.
The time that it takes to be successful is what they are willing to invest. If you do not have a lot of money, and you have more time then that is the investment you must make to be successful with your business, remember time is money.
People who are able to grasp this concept are able to go on and become successful because they will do whatever it takes. Starting an online business and running it requires work and they quickly become aware of this but the rewards are worth it to them.
So, to sum up, it ultimately comes down to knowing why you started your online business and how hard you're willing to work to achieve success, whether you invest a lot of time of a lot of money.
The Most Successful Online Business
by James Debono
First let me give you a hint. It’s not the number of friends, followers or fans they have, the number of circles they are in or even how fancy the website is. The most successful online businesses are those that are run by business people and entrepreneurs that are clear on their reasons for starting the business in the first place and have a clear vision of where the business will be five years down the line.
Pushing all that aside there are 3 essential skills that the most successful online businesses practice and they are:
Relationship Building
Back when Internet marketing started, it was such a novelty that it didn’t take much to get a customer’s attention. There were so few business online, that just having a presence was enough to be found.
There was no need to cultivate relationships, after all, you never spoke to or met these internet customers, so what was the point. Hit them fast and hard with some compelling sales copy and before they had time to realize what was going on, they had already doled out the $99 and that was it, job done!
Today’s customers are much more discerning and savvy. The average customer will conduct thorough research before they commit to purchasing anything and as a result will interact with your business multiple times before they take the relationship to the next level.
Marketing, both offline and online are very much back to basics – it’s all about building online communities and fostering great relationships, earning the trust and respect of your peers and potential customers alike by sharing valuable information.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a process of sharing valuable information with your community that helps them to solve many of their own problems. It’s not intended to replace the services or products that you offer, but to illuminate your capabilities.
The most common concern is giving away so much that your prospects don’t need to take the relationship to the next level and invest in you. That is indeed possible, but it’s a challenge you have to overcome in order to expand your circle of influence in your niche.
The true intent of content marketing is to qualify your prospects, ease the sales campaign and in effect make them better buyers of your products and services. Content marketing is not selling – it is using creative marketing strategies to position yourself as a key person of influence with those you can best serve. This is why the best form of content marketing is honest and authentic.
If you provide compelling content that educates, entertains and informs, it will you humanize your business, and enhance you trust.
Direct Marketing
The next tactic that the most successful online businesses practice is direct marketing. Direct marketing is copywriting that serves to elicit an action, such as picking up the phone to call your office, purchasing your product online, or visiting a landing page on your website.
At this stage of the relationship this is where the real benefit of the relationship and the content marketing really take hold. The customer should now see you as a trusted advisor in your field, they should be comfortable reviewing your content and as such see value in your recommendations or offers.
Throughout this process the most successful online businesses consistently move their community to act in some way, because every time they get their community to take action, it conditions them to doing it again.
The most successful online businesses have mastered these essential skills to create long term profitable business relationships, not the one hit wonders of the past. The question is do you practice these important tactics? And If not, why not?
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you:A LIFE SO FAR AWAYand MyVideoTalk Products blogsite:MVT VOLTZ BACOOR PHILIPPINES Thank you for your valuable time.
These are great points. Having an online business is great to have in today's world. Great Post!